Klaus Langohr
Professor Lector
Statistics and Operation Research Department of Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
Master in Statistics, University of Dortmund (Germany), Juny 1996
Statistics and Operation Research Department of Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
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Optimization methods in Statistics |
Ph.D. in Statistics, Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Juny 2004Master in Statistics, University of Dortmund (Germany), Juny 1996
Current Projects:
- Member of research project MTM2012-38067-C02-01. Financed by "Ministerio de economía y competitividad. Dirección general de investigación científica y técnica. Subdirección general de proyectos de investigación". Team investigator: G.Gómez, U.Dafni, C.Forné, O.Julià, K.Langohr, N.Pérez-Álvarez, N.Porta Bleda, D.Rizopoulos, V.Gibert, C.Serrat. Grant: 162.100€. Period: January 2013 - December 2015.
- Member of "Red Nacional de Bioetadistica - Nodo Catalunya -Bio". Financed by “Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia (MTM2010-09213-E)”. National and International participant Institutions. Investigator in charge: Carmen María Cadarso Suárez. Period: From 2010 - 2011.
Selection of Publications:
- Casals, M., Langohr, K., Carrasco, J.L., Rönnegård L. (2015). Parameter estimation of Poisson generalized linear mixed models based on three different statistical principles: a simulation study. SORT, 39 (2), 281-308.
- Langohr, K., Gómez, G. (2014). Estimation and residual analysis with R for a linear regression model with an interval-censored covariate. Biometrical journal Vol. 56(5), pp. 867-885.
- Langohr, K., G. Gómez, G. Hough (2013). Quantile estimation of the rejection distribution of food products integrating assessor values and interval-censored consumer data. SORT, 37 (2), 175-188.
- Casals, M., P. Pila, K. Langohr, J.P. Millet, J. Caylà and the Roma Population Working Group (2012). Incidence of infectious diseases and survival among the Roma population: a longitudinal cohort study. The European Journal of Public Health, 22 (2), 262-266.
- Gómez, G., M.L. Calle, R. Oller, K. Langohr (2009). Tutorial on methods for interval-censored data and their implementation in R. Statistical Modelling 9 (4), 259-97.
- Muga, R., K. Langohr, J. Tor, A. Sanvisens, I. Serra, C. Rey-Joly, A. Muñoz (2007). Survival of HIV-Infected Injection Drug Users (IDUs) in the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Era, Relative to Sex-and Age-Specific Survival of HIV-Uninfected IDUs. Clinical Infectious Diseases 45, 370-6.
- Langohr, K., G. Gómez (2005). Likelihood Maximization Using Web-Based Optimization Tools: A Short Tutorial. The American Statistician 59 (2), 192-202.
- Langohr, K., G. Gómez, R. Muga (2004). A parametric survival model with an interval-censored covariate. Statistics in Medicine 23 (20), 3159-75.
- Hough, G., K. Langohr, G. Gómez, A. Curia (2003). Survival analysis applied to sensory shelf-life of foods. Journal of Food Science 68 (1), 359-62.
Research Areas (detailed):
Survival Analysis
Statistical methods for survival data
Methods for interval and double-censored data
Regression models with interval-censored covariates
Software for survival analysis
Optimization Methods in Statistics
Optimization problems in survival anaysis
Optimization tools for the maximization of complex likelihood functions
AMPL: A Mathematical Language for Mathematical Programming
Web-based optimization tools: The NEOS Server
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Jordi Girona 1-3, Edifici C5, Campus Nord
08034 Barcelona, SPAIN
Phone: +34 93.401.70.34
Fax: +34 93.401.58.55
Email: klaus.langohr
