Knowledge & Technology Transfer
The GRASS group offers scientific collaborations and technical services to support research and innovation addressed to research groups, enterprise, public and private institutions and research centers.
We provide consultancy services, advice on the design of the study and sample size calculation, statistical analysis plan, interpretation of results and final statistical report, as well as support for the writing and revision of statistical sections in scientific manuscripts and grant applications in the following areas:
Survival analysis
Studies of time until an event including complex censoring patterns. Survival analysis using parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric methods: Kaplan-Meier curves, log-rank tests, proportional hazards regression models, multi-state models, competing risk models and multi-event analysis.
Scientific coordinator: Guadalupe Gómez
Statistical Genetics
Studies involving genomic information: SNPs, CNVs, Next Generation Sequencing, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Epigenomics and Metagenomics. Identification of biomarkers in GWAS. Genetic interaction analysis. Prognostic models including genomic information. Measures of predictive accuracy.
Scientific coordinator: M. Luz Calle
Clinical trials
Exploratory and confirmatory clinical studies, randomization strategy, equivalence and noninferiority, sequential and adaptive clinical trials, etc. Advice on the choice of the primary endpoint in a clinical study and use of the CompARE platform.
Scientific coordinator: Guadalupe Gómez
Epidemiological studies
Epidemiological studies, including type of study, statistical analysis, control of possible sources of bias, follow-up strategy in the case of longitudinal studies, interpretation of results. Types of studies include cohort studies, matched and unmatched case-control studies, and cross-sectional studies.
Scientific coordinator: Klaus Langohr
Statistical techniques for Buildings' data
Reliability and survival techniques for building related problems: service life estimation of building components, durability of facades, progression of failures, maintenance planning, inspection strategies, structural reliability, facility and quality management, safety and prevention, and scheduling optimization.
Scientific coordinator: Carles Serrat
Food technology
Shelf life of food and consumer preference studies: parametric and nonparametric methods to analyze the shelf life of foods and to estimate sensory cut-off points based on consumers’ decisions and taking into account the interval-censored nature of the data and the inherent variability in sensory measures.
Scientific coordinator: Klaus Langohr
For further information about these services please contact us: