Site map
An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description.
- People
- Objectives
- Publications
- Projects
- Knowledge & Technology Transfer
- Software
- Seminar, Courses and Congresses
- Links
Photo Gallery
- Defensa Tesi - Lucas López Segovia (2014)
- Dia Internacional Estadística, SCE (Oct 2013)
- Enjoyable weekend (April 2013)
- Bye, bye Nuria! (Feb 2013)
- Biostatnet - 2nd General Meeting (Jan 2013)
- 5th ERCIM Congress, Oviedo (Dec 2012)
- XXVIth International Biometric Conference, Kobe (Japan) (August 2012)
- Biostatnet: Catalunya-Bio, Lleida (June 2012)
- Biostatnet - 1st General Meeting (Jan 2011)
- GRASS (Nov 2007)
- ICSB meeting, Geneve (Aug 2006)
- XXIIIrd IBC, Montreal (July 2006)
- GRASS Family, Turelló (June 2006)
- GRASS (Nov 2005)
- Student award for Núria Pérez (2005)
- Leuven (2005)
- At Montserrat with Stephen Lagakos (2002)
- Seminar on interval-censored data (Nov 2001)