
Exposició GRASS

Conferenciant: Nuria Pérez: - Dimarts 27 de març 2012


Cost-effectiveness analysis by a simulated cohort. Example of application: HIV tropism testing for Maraviroc use.

The use of a transition probabilities Markov model to perform an economic evaluation is going to be illustrated in the case of the HIV tropism testing for the Maraviroc antiretroviral allocation.

Three tropism tests were compared by simulating a patient’s cohort travelling through defined health status until the time horizon is reached.

The issues that have to be addressed are:

i) Define and select the parameters needed in the simulation (transition probability matrix, utilities and cost for a patient being in a health status for a cycle).

ii) Define the structure of the Markov model.

iii) Select the summaries for reporting cost-effectiveness score of the evaluated strategies.

iv) Sensitivity analyses were performed to explore the impact of taking alternative assumptions for the input values on the results.