
Exposició GRASS

Conferenciants: Carme Caum , Oleguer Plana i Jordi Ferrer - Dimarts 26 de juny 2012

De 9:30-10:00

* Carme Caum (Carles Serrat i Vicenç): Mòdul en ArcGIS d'anàlisis de la durabilitat en façanes


L'objectiu de la presentació és mostrar el procés per realitzar una anàlisis de la durabilitat de lesions en façanes, a partir d'un programa orientat als Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica com és ArcGIS. La idea es basa en què, a partir d'uns programes R específics per aquest tipus de dades (dades doblement censurades), des de la plataforma d'ArcGIS poguem demanar que s'executi l'anàlisis de durabilitat desitjada a partir d'un mòdul accessible dins de la sessió d'ArcGIS. Veurem quins han estat els passos per arribar a aquest resultat.

De 10:00-11:00
* Assaig TFM Oleguer Plana: Using Gumbel copula to assess the efficiency of the main endpoint in a randomized clinical trial and comparison with Frank copula


In time-to-event randomized clinical trials, it is common to use composite endpoints as the main endpoint when comparing two treatment groups. A new statistical methodology has been recently developed in order to derive guidelines for deciding whether to expand the use of a single to a composite endpoint. This methodology, developed by Gómez and Lagakos, is based on the asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of a logrank test for comparing two treatment groups with respect to a relevant endpoint versus the composite endpoint. In order to compute the ARE, it is necessary to have the joint law of the time to the relevant and additional endpoints and it is obtained using Frank copula. The main aim of this master thesis is to develop this methodology using Gumbel copula and to compare it with the results obtained using Frank copula. This project shows that the results obtained using Gumbel copula are similar to the ones obtained using Frank copula and, therefore, we conclude that the ARE method is robust for the choice of the copula when restricted to Frank and Gumbel copulas.

De 11:00-12:00

* Assaig TFM Jordi Ferrer: Statistical Efficiency of Survival Endpoints in Breast Cancer Clinical Trials


The objective of this Master Thesis is, through the use of the asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE), to evaluate in which cases the use of Overall Survival (OS) as main endpoint is more efficient to detect differences in a given breast cancer randomized trial, and in which cases the addition of progression will be beneficial. The student will have to: 1) learn the method of Gómez and Lagakos (2012); 2) perform a search of clinical trials on breast cancer and identify the values of the parameters needed to compute the ARE; and 3) set specific recommendations.