
Exposició GRASS

Conferenciants: Víctor, Carles Serrat, Klaus i Rodrigo - Dimarts 24 de juliol 2012

De 10:00-11:00

* Víctor, Carles Serrat, Klaus: Eficiència en programació en R.

De 11:00-12:00

* Rodrigo Villegas: Empirical study of correlated survival times for recurrent events with proportional hazards margins and the effect of correlation and censoring.


We compare the efficiency, accuracy and robustness of models independent increment (AG), marginal (WLW) and conditional (PWP) under different simulated scenarios with varying degrees of within-subject correlation and censoring. We find substantial difference between models. In particular, we note that the corrected variance method WLW is not optimum when the intra-event correlation is high.