
Exposició GRASS

Ponent: Moisés Gómez-Mateu - Dimecres 9 d'octubre 2013

De 10:30  a 12:30

* Concreció de contigunts calendari 2013-14

* Exposició Moisés: Plataforma Comp-ARE:

We present a web-based application as a tool for investigators to help in the decision of the primary endpoint of a randomized clinical trial (RCT). The appropriate choice of the primary endpoint is a crucial issue, and often the decision is in terms of whether or not secondary endpoints have to be added in order to detect the desired effect of the treatment under investigation. Gómez and Lagakos (2013)† developed a methodology to guide in the decision between using a composite endpoint or one of its components as the primary endpoint for efficacy. This method is based on the asymptotic relative efficiency and has already been programmed in R.

Our application is built by means of the software Tiki Wiki CMS/Goupware (Tightly Integrated Knowledge Infrastructure). This interface has been designed in such a way that scientists, without any knowledge of R, can interact with the application through HTML form pages. Users are asked to enter different inputs of information depending on the characteristics of their particular study. This information is recorded in trackers and processed in the server through R scripts. Dynamical results are shown by different scenarios with plots, together with reported recommendations to help in the choice between using a single or a composite
endpoint as primary among a set of candidates.


Gómez, G. and Lagakos, S. (2013). Statistical considerations when using a composite endpoint for comparing treatment groups. Statistics in Medicine 32, 719–738.