Exposició GRASS
Ponents: Natàlia Pallarès (Assaig TFM) // Vicente Gallego i Malu Calle - Divendres 10 d'octubre 2014
12:00 - Assaig TFM Natàlia Pallarès (Tutor: Carles Serrat)
Títol: Contributions on Joint Modeling of Sequential Times to Event with Longitudinal Information.
In longitudinal studies it is often of interest to measure the association between a longitudinal marker repeatedly measured in time and the risk for an event. By postulating a model for the joint distribution, we acknowledge this link and a more accurate estimate for the association between the two processes is obtained. In this work, we present the joint modeling approach and focus on the extension of the established methodology (which deals with the case of one survival time and one longitudinal variable) to include sequential survival times and more than one longitudinal variable. We also study the structure of the R packages that fit joint models (JM and JMbayes) and present which parts of the implementation should be modified in order to include K sequential survival times and L longitudinal variables.
13:00 - Vicente Gallego i Malu Calle
Títol: Kernel Mehods for genetic association studies.